What wrist should you wear a bracelet on?

Which wrist should I wear my new bracelets on? 

I'd like to discuss a question I get asked often....Which wrist should I wear my new bracelets on? There are several opinions on this, so let’s dive in…

Go with the flow!

One belief is to go with the flow, literally. Gemstones we use to bring something into our lives, like prosperity, a soulmate, etc. should be worn on the right wrist and things we wish to remove from our lives, like debt, stress, negativity, etc. should be worn on the left wrist. This pattern coordinates with the flow of blood in the body.

He said, she said!

Some believe the left hand governs the feminine aspects of our personalities and the right hand the masculine. So, gemstones can be suited to those polar sides of the body to further boost a feminine gemstone like pink tourmaline or a masculine one like green tourmaline by wearing it on the male/female wrist.

Inside Out!

Some believe the left hand governs internal traits and the right hand external traits. So, gemstones to help with internal needs like stress, grief, etc. would be worn on the left. And gemstones worn to help actions like working out, speaking up for yourself would be worn on the right.

Is it better to give than to receive?

Well, that old adage may be true. But, with crystal healing, typically the right hand is called the dominant or giving hand and the left hand is the receptive hand. (Though some argue that’s reversed in us lefties!) So, things you want to receive should be worn on the left wrist. Things you want to give or to project, would be worn on the right wrist. So, reiki healers would wear healing bracelets on their right wrist when assisting clients, but, on their left wrist if the healing stones are for them.

Practical Magic (yes I love this book and film)!

If you wear a large watch or other large metal bracelets, it never hurts to wear your healing bracelets on the opposite hand from your watch to reduce wear on the gemstones, especially with soft stones like apatite, selenite, etc.

If you like to wear larger beads and write or type a lot, you also might prefer to wear bracelets on the opposite arm for wrist comfort.

Like the colors of certain gemstones together? Well, if those pretty colors bring you joy, that’s a special color therapy all on its own and you can’t put a price on happiness, so do it and enjoy! (I’m currently obsessed with pink sapphires paired with orange mandarin garnets for no reason other than I used to love pink and orange paired as a kid and still do!)

And the winner is ….?

Muscle test or listen to your body! I find the best way is to try a new bracelet on by itself and feel the energy on each wrist. You may notice the energy is stronger on one wrist or the other. Or you can even formally muscle test (more on that later) to ask if you’re not sure.

Honestly, there’s no one right or wrong (or is that right or left) answer to this question. Personally, I think you should listen to your body and do what you feel guided to do. Subconsciously, we are typically drawn to the correct choice often without even thinking about it. Did you grab that bracelet and immediately put it on your left wrist, well, maybe that’s exactly where it should be.

I hope you found this information interesting and useful. Feel free to tell me how you decide which wrist to use.